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Catering workshop at the Center for Social Integration in Lębork

The catering workshop is part of the Center for Social Integration in Lębork, which was established by the EDUQ Association. Its establishment has contributed to the social and professional activation of 25 people at risk of exclusion and their surroundings. The gastronomy workshop apprentices people to work in gastronomy, while at the same time, through support groups and therapeutic activities, it helps to solve family and personal problems of those who attend the workshop and raise their motivation to improve their own lives. The role of the partners is mainly the lending of premises by the City of Lębork and financial support, as well as substantive support for the organization of the workshop by Farm Frtites.

The workshop opened in the fall of 2017, and after less than a year of operation, it can be said that it manages to attract more and more orders for catering services allowing it to grow and strengthen its employees, who are successfully finding employment in the job market. A major challenge for the project organizers was the cost and protracted renovation of the premises where the workshop was to be held. Fortunately, it was partially solved by the establishment of a repair and construction workshop. Thanks to this idea, homeless people from the night shelter learned new skills, found their way into the community and contributed to the establishment of a catering workshop.


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