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Bank of Jars

Innovator: Natalia Grzymala

The innovation was to create places in Gdansk where the title jars could be left and from where they could be retrieved free of charge. These places are publicly accessible (in the form of lockers, made of upcycled materials), visually consistent and aesthetically pleasing, with rules and regulations. The location is to be determined by its proximity to daily transportation routes and the places where innovation recipients live. In addition, the idea of a jar bank was promoted by a series of inspiration workshops for reusing jars. A FB group was also formed to network people who feel bad about throwing jars in the trash with people who will make use of the jars and promote the idea of jar recovery.

Read more: Tri-City Jar Bank | Facebook

www-Bank-słoików (1)

About the author

Natalia Grzymała - environmental educator, urban activist, Councillor of the Śródmieście District in Gdańsk, musician by profession. In my activities, I focus on neighborhood solutions, adhering to the principle "think globally act locally" - the projects I implement (including givebox Gdansk, jar banks, rain barrels, neighborhood squares) encourage local communities to live urban lives in a more zero-waste spirit. I am the initiator of the group "Wild City Moat", which educates and shows the natural values of the unique place on a European scale, which is the Motława Tidal Stream in Gdansk.

What did your participation in the program give you?

Otherwise, it gave me first of all a kick to realize an idea that had been sitting in my head for a long time. It's also invaluable content, workshop, motivational and financial support. It was also great to meet new people changing the reality around us for the better.

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