On May 25, 2023, the Competition Commission, composed of representatives of the organizer, the competition operator and Innaczej’s partners, during its meeting at the European Solidarity Center in Gdansk, evaluated the merits of 12 projects incubated during the 6th edition of the Innaczej Social Innovation Incubator.
The selection was made on the basis of the criteria specified in the Competition Regulations. The Competition Committee decided to select 4 initiatives to receive grants for testing innovations.
INNaczej is a program supporting social innovators in Gdansk.
What are SOCIAL INNOVATIONS? These are all new social activities aimed at improving the quality of life of individuals or communities. Their “novelty” may come from the introduction of unique solutions, but also from the fact of implementing an already known solution, occurring in a new social context or for a social group that has not previously been taken care of.
Nothing limits you! The topic you can address is free, as long as it addresses important social challenges of Gdansk.
Our proposed subject areas are:
We also recommend your attention to the ebook Creating Social Innovation in Gdansk:
After the call is completed, our experts will select the ideas that meet our merit criteria to the highest degree (see Appendix 2 to the regulations), which we will invite to the Social Innovation Incubator
Our experts will select the ideas that we will invite to the Social Innovation Incubator. From all the submissions, we will select the dozen or so ideas that meet our substantive criteria to the highest degree (see Appendix 2 of the regulations). All key steps will be communicated electronically.
During the trainings and workshops you will work on your ideas to make them even better and increase your chances of receiving funding. First of all, we will focus on the professional design of social innovations. Each and every one of you will also work individually with the support of the innovation supervisor/mentor. We know that every idea is different, and it is also important for us to stay in touch with you. The program will last approx. 2 months.
Those who best present the results of work on their idea will qualify for this part of the Program. The committee will select the most interesting social innovations, which will be supported by a grant of up to PLN 15,000. In addition, they will be included in a mentoring program that will last for the duration of the social innovation testing. From that point on, you can start implementing your social innovation.
Up Development Initiation Foundation
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